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  • The Moroccan Economy in Brief: Tuesday, July 4, 2017: 46 Billion Dirhams for the Development Plan of Rabat

The Moroccan Economy in Brief: Tuesday, July 4, 2017: 46 Billion Dirhams for the Development Plan of Rabat


1. Morocco Chairs the Second Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts for the Establishment of a "Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change": "Morocco was elected, by acclamation, as President of the 2nd intergovernmental meeting of experts for the establishment of a "Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change" that was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris from June 27 to 30, 2017. The aim of this meeting is to finalize the draft of "Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change," with a view to its adoption by the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO that will be held in Paris in November 2017."

2. Al Omrane Plays Resilience in a Depressed Market: ""Al Omrane Group has what to be proud of. It finished 2016 with good performances in spite of a difficult economic situation," declared the board President, Badre Kanouni, at a press conference in Rabat on July 3. Last year, the real estate sector has recorded a 26% drop in housing starts, according to Kanouni, as well as a 5% decrease in loans granted to real estate promoters."

3. Economic Operators Are Campaigning for the Restoration of the Old Tax System: "The Association of Economic Actors in Sahara, which brings together hundreds of companies based in the southern provinces, are campaigning for the restoration of the tax system in force before January 2013. It is in this sense that representatives of this Association should have a working meeting today with the person in charge of the General Directorate of Taxes, Omar Faraj. The objective is submitting a new proposal for tax regime for companies in the region."

4. Sopexa Occupies the 83rd Place Worldwide: "Sopexa has just occupied the 83rd place in the world ranking of the top 250 RP agencies, established annually by The Holmes Report. The company RP has a network of 26 branches throughout the world covering 63 countries, including Morocco. It employs 250 people, and it won, in 2016, the "Gold Saber" award for its activities in the United States. Present in Casablanca since April 2016, the company recently obtained a call for tenders from the Autonomous Control and Exports Coordination Establishment (EACCE) and will be in charge, for one year, to internationally promote the directory "Food From Morocco".

5. 46 Billion Dirhams for the Development Plan of Rabat: "Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region has finally managed to complete its first Regional Development Program (PDR) for the period 2016-2021, in accordance with the provisions of the new law on regionalization, reports L'Economiste in its July 4 edition. This program was adopted by the elected representatives in Rabat this Monday, July 3, during the session of the region's Council."




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