The Pan-African Economy in Brief of 29/03/2017
SENEGAL : General Assembly BOA Senegal: Split and dividend by appointment: "After Bank of Africa Burkina Faso (BOABF), Bank of Africa Senegal (BOAS) convenes its AGM with proposals for resolutions...
SENEGAL : General Assembly BOA Senegal: Split and dividend by appointment: "After Bank of Africa Burkina Faso (BOABF), Bank of Africa Senegal (BOAS) convenes its AGM with proposals for resolutions...
SENEGAL : Assemblée générale BOA Sénégal : Fractionnement et dividende au rendez-vous: "Après Bank of Africa Burkina Faso (BOABF), c’est Bank of Africa Sénégal (BOAS) qui convoque son...
1. "Le Cercle", a meeting place between Spain and Morocco: "CaixaBank, leader in the Spanish market, inaugurates a new forum of meetings called" Le Cercle "in Casablanca in the 30th of March....
1. «Le Cercle», un forum de rencontre entre l'Espagne et le Maroc: " CaixaBank, leader sur le marché espagnol, inaugure le 30 mars prochain à Casablanca, un nouveau forum de rencontres baptisé...
L'ECONOMISTE: Attijari prepares its portfolio: Cars' ecosystems Attijari prepares its portfolio; "The bank yesterday gathered 500 economic and industrial operators around the investment opportunities...
L'ECONOMISTE: Attijari prépare son portefeuille: "Ecosystèmes automobiles Attijari prépare son portefeuille LA banque a rassemblé hier 500 opérateurs économiques et industriels autour des...
Africa CEO Forum: Attijariwafa bank elected African bank of the year: The Attijariwafa banking group received the African Bank of the Year award at the Africa CEO Forum in Geneva, Switzerland....
L'ECONOMISTE: Change: 6-months and 17-days coverage for 2017: "Six-months and 17-days hedging for 2017. Good outlook for foreign exchange reserves: According to BAM, the inflow of FDI in the...
L'ECONOMISTE: Change : La couverture à 6 mois et 17 jours pour 2017: "La couverture à 6 mois et 17 jours pour 2017. Bonnes perspectives en matière de réserves des changes. Selon Bank Al-Maghrib,...
1. The AfDB mobilizes three billion Dirhams for SMC: "To support the acceleration of industrialization of SMC, in particular the export sector, Morocco and the African Development Bank have agreed...